2020 Summit on School Safety, Security and Trauma Informed Practices
Thank you for either registering, sponsoring or speaking as a breakout presenter for the "School Safety, Security and Trauma Informed Practices Summit." Due to the CoronoaVirus situation we will reschedule this conference. We will give things a chance to sort out and then announce our new dates. If you have already registered or sponsored we will hold your funds and apply as you have directed. If you require a refund, just let us know. Thank you again for your patience and understanding.
The Arizona Business & Education Coalition (ABEC) in partnership with Maricopa County Sheriff Paul Penzone, the Arizona School Administrators (ASA), and Grand Canyon University's Canyon Professional Development present the 2nd Annual School Safety event:
Summit on School Safety, Security and Trauma Informed Practices
The two-day event will feature nationally and regionally recognized leaders and multiple break-out sessions.
School violence and the impact on our communities, families, staff, and students is unacceptable. The purpose of this conference is to congregate leaders in the field of education, public policy, law enforcement, psychology and planning to expand the awareness and implementation of best practices in school safety, security, trauma-informed supports and mental/behavioral health. Participants will leave with actionable strategies to engage their communities in the pursuit of safer, healthier schools and neighborhoods.
This event will focus on:
- Developing tools to improve safety and security in our schools
- Understanding mental and behavioral health needs in schools
- Providing proven resources and tools for school safety and trauma prevention and intervention
- Raising awareness regarding policy and advocacy efforts related to school safety and trauma informed practices.
- Building community awareness on issues surrounding trauma in K12 schools.
- Thomas Ridge, former Secretary of Homeland Security, and former Governor, Pennsylvania (Mr. Ridge's bio here)
- Mark Sullivan, former Director, U.S. Secret Service (Mr. Sullivan's bio here)
- Mrs. Cindy McCain, Chair, The McCain Institute for International Leadership, Arizona State University (Mrs. McCain's bio here)
- Dr. David C. Berliner, Ph.D., Regents Professor Emeritus and former Dean, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, Arizona State University (Dr. Berliner's bio here)
- Dr. Joe Erardi, Ed.D., former Superintendent, Newtown, CT (Dr. Erardi's bio here)
- Kirk M. Carpenter, Superintendent, Aztec Municipal School District, Aztec, NM (Superintendent Carpenter's bio here)
View or download Plenary Session (Day 1) Agenda here.

Breakout sessions include:
Registrants will have the opportunity to attend three breakout sessions (all on Friday).
Policy and Advocacy
Facilitated non-partisan discussions on policy interactions happening locally and nationally to support best practices in school safety, security, trauma-informed educational supports, and mental/behavioral health concerns at the K12 level. Information about how to approach policy change at the local, state and national level as well as state, local, federal and private funding mechanisms are included.
Trauma-informed Educational Supports
Focus will be on specific strategies that schools can use to support students and/or adults in their settings to overcome the effects of trauma. Prevention, intervention, and/or general knowledge strategies, based in research/evidence, are included.
Mental and Behavioral Health
Focus will be specific to mental and behavioral health supports as they apply to various school settings such as school counseling, community resources, wrap-around services, early warning indicators, or the psychology of school violence.
Safety and Security
Focus will include physical safety, use of technology, construction and design, school safety plans and site assessment teams, and pre- and post-event planning or response. Strategies will reflect individual school culture, demographics, and location.
View or download Breakout Session (Day 2) Agenda here.
Comments from last year's event:
"One of the best I have ever attended! Scope, quality of speakers gave people a multi-faceted view of the issue. Ground breaking – Thank you!"
"Incredible information!"
"Good insight – different perspectives on issue."
"The presenters and panel were so diverse and experts both locally & nationally."
"The wide range of backgrounds and sources represented, the wealth of knowledge in one place at one time is outstanding."
Date and Time
Thursday May 7, 2020 Friday May 8, 2020
Thursday, May 7, 2020 8:30am - 4:00pm
Friday, May 8, 2020 8:30am - 3:00pm
Grand Canyon University
3300 W. Camelback Rd.
Phoenix, AZ 85017
Here is the link to the corona virus information from GCU.
A block of rooms has been reserved for attendees of this Summit at:
Hotel name : Doubletree by Hilton Phoenix North
Contact at hotel for registration: Melissa Hall
Group name: K-12 Strategic Alliances
Hotel address: 10220 N. Metro Parkway East, Phoenix, AZ 85051
Hotel reservation phone number: 602-997-5900
Rate: $115.00 plus taxes and includes:
Room Reservation deadline is April 12, 2020.
Booking Link
$250.00 (includes lunch both days)
Group rate: Register four attendees and bring a fifth registrant at no additional cost.
Registration Deadline
May 6, 2020 COB. There is no “day of” registration. You must be registered by May 6th.
Payment Policy
Payment may be made by check, payable to Arizona Business & Education Coalition (ABEC) or by credit card (contact Karen by email at karen@azbec.org or by phone at 602.264-8396 to process the credit card payment). All registrations must be paid in full by May 6, 2020.
Contact Karen (602-264-8396 or karen@azbec.org) ASAP if you need to substitute for someone unable to make it.
Cancellation Policy
Any registrant unable to attend should contact the ABEC offices (Karen by email Karen@azbec.org or by phone 602-264-8396) as soon as possible. If the cancelation of a paid registration occurs by April 23rd, the registration fee minus the cancelation fee of $50 will be refunded within five (5) business days. If the cancelation of a paid registration occurs after April 23rd, there is no refund. (NO Refunds for “NO SHOWS”). We encourage you to find a substitute. Registrations not canceled per these guidelines must be paid in full even if the registrant does not attend the conference. Conference materials, meals and breakout session preparations all are based on the number of registrants.
Corona Virus Contingency Plan
We wish to assure all of our May 7-8 School Safety, Security and Trauma Informed Practices Summit speakers and attendees that your health and safety is our highest priority. We are continuing to build and plan this remarkable Summit with great energy and resolve. We will, of course, follow the directions of the U.S. Center For Disease Control as well as state and local authorities. We will keep you informed and in no event will any refunds be at risk should our dates have to change and we want you all to be assured on that. We are hoping to see you on May 7-8 and wishing you all good health and safe travels.
Contact Information
For Sponsorship or Speaker and Presenter Opportunities, contact Dick Foreman, ABEC President & CEO by phone at 602-499-2437 or email: dick@azbec.org. For questions regarding registration or billing contact Karen Kehlenbach, ABEC Director of Business & Event Services, by phone at 602-264-8396 or by email: karen@azbec.org. For venue information please email CanyonProfDev@gcu.edu.
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